Terms of Service

NOTICE: These Terms of Use are legally binding. It is Your responsibility to read these Terms of Use carefully prior to purchase, use, or access of any of our packages, products, including online courses, digital products, memberships and etc.


This website is owned and operated by Nurturing Spirit Doula and Massage, L.L.C. in the county of Oakland in the state of Michigan, United States of America.

You must be at least eighteen years of age to use Our website. Use of this website is at Your own risk. We host Our site on a reputable platform and take reasonable efforts to maintain and host the site. However, We make no explicit representations or warranties as to the safety of Your individual use of the website. The Terms of Use contained on this page are subject to change at any time.

It is not within my scope to give medical advice. I only present the evidence-based facts and facilitate discussion so that you can advocate and make medical decisions for yourself. I do not drive clients or their baby(ies) in my car UNLESS it is an emergency. I do not and am not qualified to perform any medical procedures including but not limited to cervical checks, blood pressure checks, fetal heart rate monitoring, delivering/catching the baby, etc. I am NOT and do NOT replace a Health Care Provider such as a Midwife or OB. I do not under any circumstances attend “free (unassisted)” births. I adhere carefully to the parameters of my scope for the safety and security of myself, you, your partner, and your baby.


We do not store any whole credit card numbers or payment information, and instead, these are processed through third party processors such as Square, Venmo, or Apple Pay. By utilizing these payment processors to gain access to the offering, you indemnify us and instead assume any and all risk or liability for the security of the payment details, and agree to be bound by the third party payment processor's applicable terms and conditions of use.


Your information will be kept confidential if we explicitly express confidentiality in a separate client agreement or as required by the law or ethical responsibilities.


When you access our offerings, whether you pay for them or not, you take on all the risk associated with your access and any actions you choose to take based on the information or materials provided.


Any messages you send through our website, including our contact forms, blog comments, newsletter sign-up, or directly to our phone or email, are not treated as private or confidential. They can be seen and shared by third parties to communicate care protocols.

We own all the content displayed on our website, including your comments, emails, or other messages, according to Michigan law. We do not provide credit or pay royalties for unsolicited user-generated content like blog comments or emails. We have the right to republish any submissions you make if it's necessary for our business operations. You should not submit content or messages that could be illegal, false, obscene, abusive, or otherwise harmful or inappropriate.