Frequently Asked Questions

What is a doula?

A doula is a support person for mothers and their partners during the childbearing year. As a birth doula I provide physical, emotional, and informational support to families. I will connect you with evidence-based resources to help you advocate for yourselves during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.  I respect and appreciate any spiritual practices that may present themselves during the labor/birth process and hold space for this.

Is a doula the same as a midwife?

While many similarities in the approach to maternal care exist between a doula and midwife, they are two entirely different roles. A doula’s role is non-medical in nature and provides emotional and physical support with the goal of empowering you through your pregnancy and birth experience. While a midwife may carry those goals as well, they are health professionals prioritizing and monitoring your health and safety as well as that of your newborn. A midwife is in charge of delivering babies whereas this is out of the doula scope of practice. Doulas and midwives work together as parts of your birth team to help you through the entire process.

Why do I need a doula?

Think of a doula as a coach for pregnancy and birth. A doula can help navigate the pregnancy and birth world by providing access to community resources, coping skills, physical and emotional support, and being a point of contact for any of your needs during this phase of your life. A doula helps ease the transition, providing reassurance during the process. What’s not to love about that?!

What about my partner?

Many couples wonder if a partner will feel brushed aside or perhaps even why a doula is necessary if a partner is willing to be involved. These are valid feelings! Let us be reminded that a doula’s role is to enhance support overall. This includes supporting a partner during the process. This may look like a doula helping to guide a partner through relaxation techniques, addressing fears and insecurities, or offering suggestions and encouragement. The role of the doula is not limited to only the mother, especially if a partner wants to be involved.

What if I am having a C-section?

The short answer: birth doulas support any and all births! This absolutely includes cesarean births. A doula will help ease the process leading up to the c-section, making you and your partner feel comfortable while also providing support immediately following the procedure. The role of the doula remains the same with the exception being that a doula does not provide hands-on support during a cesarean birth. Should you want to attempt breastfeeding, a doula will be there following surgery to help initial feeding and encourage bonding. It is always the goal of a doula to assist in a smooth transition overall and no matter what.